Friday, August 16, 2013

Writer and Reader

I'm pretty sure all writers are also book lovers. I never leave home without a book or e-reader tucked into my purse. You never know when you might have to wait in line for something. Of course having that book with me is like insurance against having to wait.

At the moment I am reading Her Road Home by Laura Drake. It's an august Harlequin Superromance and it's available now. I am about halfway through it and loving it! This is Laura's second published book. Her first, The Sweet Spot, is also available and it blew me away! It came out in May and was an RT Reveiws recommended Top Pick. Not bad for a debut book. Laura is also a contributor to the awesome Writers In the Storm blog. Wonderful tips and advice for aspiring and published authors. 

Another Superromance out this month is Staying At Joe's by Kathy Altman. This is also Kathy's second published book. Her first, The Other Soldier, also a Superromance, was nominated as a Best First Book by RT Reviews. I highly recommend both books. And don't let the cover of Staying At Joe's fool you, this is not a fluff piece but a deeply moving story about flawed people whose road to happily ever after has roadblocks and detours.

I'm looking forward to more amazing books from both these authors.

Another first book I'm looking forward to is Man Of My Dreams by Faith Andrews. It's not out yet, but since I have an "in" with the author (she's a critique partner-hey, waving at Faith) I have had the pleasure of reading it. I'll be sure to let everyone know as soon as MOMD is available.

I'm still putting the finishing touches on another one of my writing challenges and will post it here when it's ready. I also have a couple of older ones I can dust off and post. I belong to a wonderful local writing group and each month we do writing prompts of approximately 500 words. Although somehow i also manage to go over a wee bit. We've decided to stretch and flex our writing muscles so we're choosing different genres for our prompts. For August we have to write a historical using the prompt. I did but as usual it turned into more a historical romantic suspense. 

Thanks for stopping by! And I'll post my challenge soon.

1 comment:

  1. Carrie, thank you so much for your kinds words about "Staying at Joe's!" I have Laura Drake's Superromance and I can't wait to read it. I read "The Sweet Spot" and was blown away. In fact, for USA Today I did a post on my top 10 reunion romances and "The Sweet Spot" earned one of those spots! :-) Very best wishes with your writing challenges, Carrie! And all the best with your blog!
